Gentle Selfing
Online self paced self help
PART 1 - You have been gifted a body - shall we see how it runs? Help your body to heal itself. Three practical changes for you to help yourself in the updated version of YOU.
What you find within: 3 online self paced courses:
1 - What Causes "Health"
Find out how simple the Life Recipe really is - and how to alter your life to be back in balance.
2 - Self Soothing - Belly Calming
Your hands, your peace and calm (gut, periods and sleeping) restored.
3 - Perineal Steaming
A delicious way to combine sitting, heat, water and fragrant herbs. Soothing and softening life's woes.
Added bonus - an 'owner's manual'.
We move onto - with others. An experiential weekend gathering with a challenge to move us all forwards together after completion
With Heather (online) 16-18th Nov (PT USA - 2-6 pm) 17-19th Nov (AEST - QLD 10 am - 2 pm) (Sunday is 11 am to 3pm/PT - 3-7 pm)
This allow YOU the chance to delve deeply into what makes you YOU!
Begin more consciously to be here!!!
PART 3 - Selfing Challenge - a 4 weekly hour with your fellow Selfers of the workshop to gain more assistance in making the changes you have committed yourself to yourself.
It is highly unlikely that you will need the $$ back guarantee (online component only).
Live the changes and you will be/feel/live very differently.
You may say:
'Too Simple Heather!'
It is - we only have to follow Nature.
Welcome to Gentle Selfing
What is this? A gentle way to make peace with your life to date. To gift yourself a pause. To put yourself first. To truly stop and listen. To you. And your womb’s whispers. To ponder /reflect on how you got to here. Deepening the connection within yourself and to your past.
Why? Something has drawn you here. Maybe pain. Maybe knowing that there is more. That it is time. What is different about this? Womb centred. Life orientated - through the 7 year cycles women live by. Soul infused energy focused for understanding how the physical is held hostage - how you as a woman are STUCK until YOU open your own cage doors.
How? Whilst being held within a safe space with others, you can reframe 'life' and what it has meant to you. To acknowledge the programmes that have run your body, your life to date. Possibility to collect more parts of self that maybe still STUCK in the past. Gracefully to left them go.
Pre requisites? None, past the desire to change to seeing yourself as the most important person in your own life. Choosing to give to self first.
YOU make the choices in every minute of your life.
YOU can change
Please ask yourself - "what do I do if I do not take this plunge into actively helping myself?"
Taking a deviation onto a different path . .
By asking different questions - (that you may not have even thought to ponder) - will give you really different results.
Shall we see how nature intended you to run your body and your life? You may be startled at how easily a happier you can appear.
Part 1 - online easy courses
Part 2 - Weekend in person workshop
Part 3 - Selfing Challenge - we meet up weekly x4 one hour to support each other on our changes.

What Causes Health?
This may be a surprising topic for you.
I feel that we need to we clear up some assumptions. I ask some questions of you. Please ponder:
- What do you see as ‘health’?
- Will you know when you are there?
- Were you well’ before you got ‘ill’
- What is the goal in wanting to be better?
- Do you have a role to play?
OR – is your life someone else’s responsibility?

Self Soothing
- Belly Calming
Too simple - you discover and release what has been holding you STUCK.
Learn how to gently free the clutter from your belly (and wombspace) so that peace and calm reigns again.
Releasing what is stashed away ‘for later’. Undo your emotional, digestive, urogenital and/or structural concerns - gentle yourself well.
Look after your inner flows/circulation and life is then easy.

Perineal Steaming
A time-honoured tradition of using heated water and plants to soothe and heal your body.
You will learn:
- What steaming is,
- How to set this up,
- What plants to use,
- Why we steam and
- All sorts of body repairs from myriad challenges are possible
Gentling away trauma, softening and soothing and creating a sacred space for you to retreat - to look after and tend yourself. All ages, sexes and stages of life.

Manual and eBooks included
Download them for future use

Charts to Guide You
Helpful reminders to help you keep on track.
Whilst complete in itself, Gentle Selfing may also act as the gateway into the heart of the Gentling Way teachings.
You may already be working with others, as is your vocation.
We all must begin with ourselves. We pause in our own lives to acknowledge, see, listen, and clear what we carry within, then gradually able to expand outwards.
A willingness to change.
Commitment to self
Time to gift to you.
Upon payment you start with the three online courses:
- What Causes Health
- Self Soothing – Belly Calming
- Perineal Steaming
The weekend workshop is experiential. We share deeply together.
We all have to undo habits and to CHANGE. We help each other - each week following, we have 4 supportive chats - the Selfing Challenge . . to keep ourselves on track.
We shed what no longer serves us – to ease gracefully into the life that awaits when we do!!!
ALWAYS - start on registration - Online self paced component - at your place - as soon as you sign in.
Sign up early so you have time to go through these courses before the Selfing course.
ONLINE with Lisa
- 4 x 2hours
Brisbane timing 11 - 1 pm
IN PERSON with Heather
in Sumner, New Zealand
30 Nov/1st Dec 2024
8.30 for 9 to 5 pm
For both of these . . .
PART 3 - Your place
- online x 4 one hour once weekly catch-up sessions to support the changes you have challenged yourself to undergo

Last (2) weeks of working on self. .

Gentling Selfing first timer
I attended the selfing training intensive a few weeks back. Walked in burnt out, achey and somewhat lost (trying to work out what I am meant to be doing besides mothering my 4 children).
I was surrounded by beautiful like minded women and learnt so much how to help myself (and therefore my family). It is very practical, easy to do at home but life changing.
After the weekend I was back to feeling alive again, my body was less achey and I felt a sense of purpose and hope.

Phuket (acupuncturist and Arvigo Self Care teacher)
This weekend was confirmation for me that this is the work I want to teach now! It fills in so many gaps that felt missing teaching the abdominal therapy work alone. Having a Chinese medicine background, I have always been integrating aspects of this perspective into my teachings, but, with Heather’s experience and ideas I feel even more passionate about it. Her work is the “set up” that I felt was missing but couldn’t quite put my finger on. It really integrates women’s wisdom in a way that resonates and is applicable in our daily lives, with miraculous results.
I love her mind-blowing questions that stop you in your tracks! Giving you plenty to ponder over and inviting you to see things from a totally different point of view.
Planting the seeds to a new way of seeing the body and whatever we are experiencing. Stories and sharing among the group creates magic and connection. Women sharing, being acknowledged, being heard! As Heather repeats often – It’s too simple. What would you grandmothers do – do that! –