Gentle Selfing - Stage One
Online self paced self help
Four (2024) practical changes for your easier life
You have been gifted a body - shall we see how it runs?
Help your body to heal itself as it was designed to.
What you find within:
Easy ways forwards
What Causes "Health"
(Ever wondered?( Find out how simple the Life Recipe really is - and how to alter your life to be back in balance.
Self Soothing - Belly Calming
 - your hands, your peace and calm (gut, periods and sleeping) restored.
Perineal Steaming
 - a delicious way to combine sitting, heat, water and fragrant herbs. Soothing and softening life's woes.
Love Your Body Better
Using a new paradigm: energy medicine - in conjunction with personal responsibility, living in a body and understanding its electrical circuitry, your hands exploring your own stuck spots, soothing them away.Â
Added bonus:
Your 'owner's manual'.
Freeing Yourself
You may say - 'Too Simple Heather!'
It is - we only have to follow Nature.
Welcome to Gentle Selfing
What is this? A subtle way to make peace with your life to date. Gift yourself the effort you may put automatically into others. . You live in that body. It needs nurturing and loving touch and consideration.
Why? Something has drawn you here. Maybe pain. Maybe knowing that there is more.
What is different about this? A new look at living in a body. Different focus - we follow life: using many cultures and lineages as elder wisdoms.
Using Heather's life journey through being a natural health detective in many contexts. Using multiple 'modalities': life being her guide, always following Nature and her rules, forever asking different questions - we have a short cut to health. Complete with a way YOU can undo whatever ails you - in the comfort of your own surroundings.
How? Your hands, your belly, your efforts, your life.
Pre requisites? None, past the desire to gift yourself your own loving touch.
YOU make the choices in every minute of your life.
YOU can choose to change
Answers - to what?
For whatever ails you . .
or - how to feel more alive/ happy?
You are looking
Maybe it is as simple a turning back to nature?
And to the ancestral/wise elder's ways?
Owner's manual - do you have one?
Would you like to know how to run your body better?
These are instant access online easy courses

What Causes Health?
This may be a surprising topic for you.
I feel that we need to we clear up some assumptions. I ask some questions of you. Please ponder:
- What do you see as ‘health’?
- Will you know when you are there?
- Were you well’ before you got ‘ill’
- What is the goal in wanting to be better?
- Do you have a role to play?
OR – is your life someone else’s responsibility?
From a body perspective - what is needed to live well?
How different could your life be? Follow Nature, and her path

Self Soothing
- Belly Calming
Too simple - you discover and release what has been holding you STUCK.
Learn how to gently free the clutter from your belly (and wombspace) so that peace and calm reigns again.
Releasing what is stashed away ‘for later’. Undo your emotional, digestive, urogenital and/or structural concerns - gentle yourself well.
Looking after your inner flows/circulation and life is then easy.
Gently loving yourself better

Perineal Steaming
A time-honoured tradition of using heated water and plants to soothe and heal your body.
You will learn:
- What steaming is,
- How to set this up,
- What plants to use,
- Why we steam and
- All sorts of body repairs from myriad challenges are possible
Gentling away trauma, softening and soothing - creating a sacred space for you to retreat to - tending to yourself.
All ages, sexes and stages of life.

ebooks Included
Download them for future reference

Charts to Guide You
Helpful reminders to help you keep on track.
Whilst you listen to me taking you through what is offered, please ask yourself - "what do I do if I do not take this plunge into helping myself?" AND
Whilst complete in itself, Gentle Selfing may also act as the gateway into the heart of the Gentling Way teachings. Next step is the Gentling Selfing workshop/ Challenge.
We all must start with us.
By pausing in our lives to acknowledge, see, listen, and clear what we carry within, we can gradually expand outwards.
A willingness to change.
To take the ways that work – across many modalities, lineages, and out of the linear – into LIFE.Â
Upon payment you gain immediate access to your path out of misery and bodily distress.
Three paths out of where you find yourself presently.
Self paced online courses:
- What Causes Health
- Self Soothing – Belly Calming
- Perineal Steaming
- Love Your Body Better
Maybe you wonder what is in one of the online courses? (Anyone can take anytime).
A new way of being. Intention? Gentle self reverence
How we got into this mess.
Self soothing, intentions - setting goal posts, perineal pullups, muscle separation,
Freely breathing, hydration
Why we need to move forwards
Feeling safe, Stress? Stuck Liver Qi, Trauma - unresolved life, undoing fear/freeze stuck in your body
How do we fix it?
Butterfly touch Getting started, chest gouge, bash, bash, belly round and rounds, smaller round and rounds, juggle jiggle, self hugs, freeing your diaphragm - from the front, and from the back (yourself), upper belly soothing, peristalsis encouraging, sacral helpers, lower lymphatic drainage, lower belly soothing
Advanced tips
Advanced work, adhesions and how we get them, moxa usage, scars, comfrey ointment, castor oil
Wrapping up - learning (JUST get into anything different - Do it) and where next.

Oh my my... I started the 'What Causes Health' section.
I can see now that just in this one course there are materials for one lifetime.
I will absorb the info with baby steps.
Thank you Heather!

Acupuncturist (Canada)
Working through the exercises myself, while watching the course modules, i could feel the difference in my body. More relaxed, integrated, flowing, and more joyful.
Heather is humorous, caring and light hearted in the way she teaches. I sense I am reconnecting on the common sense wisdom of the elders.

Heather is so optimistic and reassuring. The changes suggested do not feel heavy and overwhelming. They feel /sound so achievable and nourishing.
There is SO MUCH information - I would recommend keeping a notebook whilst you watch these videos. These are very short and to the point.
I love the term "gentling".