Easy Pregnancy Resources

Make your pregnancy journey a delightful experience - with a bonded family as your destination

Nature sets you up to win!

You CAN have an EASY Pregnancy!

  • Nature sets you up to win
  • Follow her timetables and design
  • Ease, comfort and grace - so very possible
  • You can be full of joy and wonder in growing new life

Why I developed this kit

After decades of supporting couples ease into becoming families I could see that love was being sidelined and that nature had been forgotten. Beginning its life as a weekend course to empower couples wishing to take charge of their late pregnancy journey, this grew to become a life manual, 2 videos, many eBooks and countless self help charts.

What you may want . . .

A focus on life and health enhancement - not crisis management. Your intention and commitment are insuring that the best baby is made.


Support Nature
Encouraging survival of the fittest.
Gestational health - for mum and baby.

Pregnancy is one of the few times her body heals/regenerates her as she gestates a new life.

YOU can alter the outcome to achieve a perfect pregnancy and beyond into happy maternity. .

Expect the gradual blossoming of mum-to-be from maiden to mother - she is to be reborn herself

  • Wellness focus prevents any 'high risk' endings. Biomedical monitoring not needed as the expectations of potential disasters are unnecessary when we follow HEALTH and life - correcting as we go through the pregnancy.
  • Maternal health warnings - usually with pain - can be heeded as you know from a health model - what should and could be happening, and how to bring all back into balance.
  • Following a life enhancement perspective, you see gestational maternal health failures - diabetes, high blood pressure cascading into HELPP or early births, fetal failures, premature membrane ruptures - all are preventable.
  • As with a baby tree - grow it in perfect environs - beginning with digestion - building from the roots up - a strong foundation. Best baby possible is no accident or stroke of luck - but of your responsive actions.
  • It all starts with gut health (no nausea or vomiting (special hyperemesis section) and feeding new life. Maybe add on the eBook component that walks you through in great detail - especially nourishing and sustaining wellness in pregnancy).
  • Mum blossoming flourishing - best she has ever felt/been as she perfectly naturally expands into a happy mum-to-be. Comfort, ease, and grace - loving every minute.
  • If/when deviating from this - gently taken back to the blueprint - lovingly corrected by her partner's ministrations, being guided through the touch therapy/massage and birthing preparations with the charts/'cheat sheets', videos and 'glove box manual' text.
  • Birthing readiness - from a healthy pregnancy, the ripening process (baby ready to breathe and be independent) creates the opening in mum and baby appears in its own time.
  • Maternal pelvic opening encourages perfectly positioned baby, pain minimalisation leading into natural birthing, mammalian bonding and simple breastfeeding.

Easy baby - happy mum – happy families - happy life.

This is all possible . . .

Take Action

Life will change
Learn what to do.
Trust nature - help her along.

My Promise

Fear leaves

With information - and its practical application - all gets better - as life is to be.

Everything is different when you understand how and why things happen and your role in CHANGE.

No medical monitoring and worries needed.
YOU follow how you have altered course and return the process of creating new life back to as the blueprint states


Feeling helpless and hopeless are history.

You will become empowered as you are in charge. You hold the keys.

Use them

Life changes . .

What we expect of life keeps turning out vastly different.
Maybe it is time to take charge YOUR SELF in bring forth your babies?
Biology - shall we follow her?
Pregnancies need nurturing. What if something goes right?



A traditional birth keeper speaks. The value of "What Dads Can Do" is the making of a new dad.



Huge difference using a HEALTH perspective. Empowering him allows an easy birth. He got to do a lot. Opening the 'baby gate' works.



Health. redemption. Jubilation. Parental bonding prior to easy birthing. Mother of four shifts from hopefully following medical dictates to ensuring what she wanted she got.


What Dads Can Do

Multimedia tools bringing you from may be wondering, faintly worried or fearful, back to healthy happy expectation, in every aspect of the pregnancy journey, birth and beyond.
All with the birth partner in mind:what they can do to make the easy pregnancy segue into an easy birth, baby and an easy life together.

Can you have easy baby insurance?

What if 'something goes right'?
Shall we make sure it does?
Following the biological shifts, you explore the ways YOU can improve the ride from a maiden to a mother: from a couple to a family.
Written from a dedicated natural health experienced mother's perspective, you discover what do at each change you experience.  -
Painless pregnancy, easy birthing and happy mum, dad and bub!
Take charge and ensure you get the best for yourselves and your babies.

What to expect

The return to perfectly natural/designed
Every aspect of pregnancy and life is easier.

Connect and flow again in your body, your relationships and your lives as all now is so simple. Follow/trust nature.

Birthing, loving, feeding and rear your precious children as each naturally as the next breath - life unfolding as it should.

Easy Pregnancy Resources

Nature has all the ways to help you transition from two to three – when you let life flow . . .

What you’ll get:

Informative empowering action tools.

  • 1 x manual – covering all aspects of a pregnancy to easy breastfeeding and how to achieve this
  • Informative guides to nourish and sustain an early pregnancy.
  • A section on loss and what to do next if it ends prematurely. Whilst you may not want to think of this, prior to 2021 1 in 6 pregnancies ended in miscarriage. It is an epidemic NOW. What to do to help yourselves and to live well during and after is covered.
  • 2 x videos:
    Massage, and
    BirthingWhat Dads Can Do 
  • 23 x charts . . practical easy reference (always works)

Enjoy Your Pregnancy

Get Heather's Easy Pregnancy Resources NOW!


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